Mi Redmi service center Hisar in Haryana contact number

Want to repair your under warranty Mi redmi smartphone for free? Then you might be searching for Mi service center Hisar in Haryana.

There are two Xiaomi service centers Hisar in Haryana. There are Mi exclusive service center in other cities and few are Xiaomi authorized service center.

Xiaomi exclusive service centers are exclusive for Xiaomi only. No other brand products are repair at these types of service centers. You can also check newly launched Xiaomi redmi products in your hands at these service centers. These service centers are directly controlled by Xiaomi itself.

Xiaomi authorized service centers are those service centers which are owned by third party companies like TVS electronics, QIDGI etc. But these types of Xiaomi service centers are authorized by Xiaomi and meet there terms & conditions while repairing. These types of service centers also use original Mi spare parts to replace defected parts.

Xiaomi Mi care Hisar

Mi service center Hansi

Center nameGlobal Communication
AddressNear Hdfc Bank, Gt. Road, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana, 125033
Contact number9255162062
Center typeXiaomi Exclusive
Timing10:00 AM to 07:30 PM
Monday to Saturday
Sunday Closed
Products HandlingTablet, Wearable, Smartphone, Accessories & all other Xiaomi products

Mi service center Hisar

Center nameGolden Telecom
Address1st Floor, Scf-2, M C Area, Near Hdfc Bank, Red Square Market, Railway Road, Hisar, Haryana, 125001
Contact number9996791234
Center typeXiaomi Exclusive
Timing10:00 AM to 07:30 PM
Monday to Saturday
Sunday Closed
Products HandlingTablet, Wearable, Smartphone, Accessories & all other Xiaomi products

There are two Mi service centers in Hisar in Haryana. We have provided complete details of this Mi care in Hansi Hisar in Haryana.

We recommend you to make a call to above Mi care before you visit there to confirm the Mi Care timing and availability of spare parts. As this can save your precious time.

If you have any question or feedback then let us know in the comment box below. Or you can also contact at Xiaomi Toll Free number 1800 103 6286 Your feedback is always appriciated and valuable to us.

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